WWF (World Wild Fundation) poster-Lucas DAMBLAT

Par FRANCOISE SCHISTER, publié le mercredi 9 décembre 2015 22:03 - Mis à jour le mercredi 9 décembre 2015 22:03

This poster is a campaign to protect animals that have fur.

The scene takes place in the savannah

There are two leopards that have a label on the back indicating the size on clothes.

There animals we can see live in an exotic place, this is were these animals are the most affected.

Because of the production of fur products, animals that have fur gradually disappear.

Saying "Fashion claims more victims than you think", the author wants to show that all fashion products with animal fur kill many animals.

Because of these products with fur many species are in danger of extinction.

There is an important message in this document : we must stop doing fur products from animals to save these animals.

The survival on the human kind depens on the survival of animals.